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Application and Selection Process

We Recruit

In October and November, packages containing program brochures, an Information packet, and an Application packet are mailed to the head counselors, head math teachers, and head science teachers of all the targeted high schools to make them aware of the UBMS program. This mailing may be followed by a recruiting visit in December or January to many of the targeted schools, so that interested students may hear more.

See complete calendar and timeline schedule

You Apply

You may obtain an application form from your high school counselor, math teacher, or science teacher or print one from this website. Or you may obtain one when the recruiting team comes to your school. The preferred postmark deadline each year is January 31. The UBMS Center may extend this deadline if necessary to ensure an adequate pool of qualified applicants. Priority will be given to those applications received before the January 31 deadline.

Learn How to Apply

We Review

The UBMS staff acknowledges applications and reviews them for completeness as they are received. (Students are told if anything is missing from the application.) As the postmark deadline approaches, the completed applications are evaluated by the UBMS staff. Based on those evaluations, a pool of qualified applicants and their parents are invited to an Orientation session to be held on Northwest's campus. Priority is given to those students who have submitted complete applications, including all requested forms and signatures.


Orientation is usually held in late March or early April. Those students and parents who attend Orientation learn more about the UBMS program and its goals; they also see a typical schedule of classes and activities. While the students are being interviewed, the Parents attending Orientation learn what will be involved in college admissions and financial assistance, regardless of where the students may attend college. The applicants and their parents have an opportunity to tour the campus. At the end of the day the UBMS staff reviews the rules in the UBMS Participant Handbook with the students and the parents so that everyone knows what the rules will be.

We Select

Following Orientation, the UBMS staff carefully goes through each student's file reviewing the application, the forms, the recommendations, and the interview responses. They then narrow down the list of applicants to "Participants" and "Alternates." Participants are those who will be invited for the summer session. Those not yet invited are put on an Alternate list, and they may be invited at a later time if a Participant cannot or will not accept the invitation.

The Selection Process is complete only when UBMS has a full slate of Participants for the summer.

Learn How to Apply