A-Z Index

Student Absences

Students are expected to attend all classes as specified in the course syllabi for each course. However, specific attendance policies may vary from instructor to instructor. Each instructor will clarify the attendance policy at the beginning of each course. It is the responsibility of the student to promptly notify his or her instructor when unable to attend class. Students receiving veterans’ benefits should consult with the coordinator of Veterans’ Affairs for the additional attendance requirements. On campus housing students should notify their Resident Director or other Residential Life staff members of extended absences.

A student may make up class work without penalty if (1) engaged in University activities endorsed by the provost or other University official, (2) prevented from attending class by illness, the validity of which is proven to the satisfaction of the instructor, or (3) prevented from attending by some other circumstances considered adequately extenuating by the course instructor.

Faculty may use the Early Alert System to notify Advisement, 660.562.1695, if they are concerned about student absences.

For questions please contact the Student Affairs office at 660.562.1242 or