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Frequently Asked Questions

I was notified that I am on academic probation. Why was I placed on academic probation?

  • You are a Freshman (less than 30 earned hours) who ended the semester with a Northwest and/or overall grade point average below a 1.75 on a 4.0 scale
  • You are a sophomore, junior or senior (30+ credit hours earned) who ended the semester with a Northwest and/or cumulative grade point average below a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.

What does academic probation mean for me? Am I still allowed to be enrolled at Northwest?

  • Yes, but the following conditions must be met:

    1. You can only be enrolled in 16 credit hours, so you may need to adjust your schedule.
    2. First-time freshmen and first-time transfers students placed on academic probation at the end of their first term of enrollment are enrolled in 77-150 Academic Success Coaching (1 hr.). Additionally, first-time freshmen are also enrolled in 77-151 Strategies for Academic Success (1 hr.).

What steps should I take?

  • Contact your advisor as soon as possible to discuss what changes you should make to your enrollment. (Example: Dropping courses to get to the 16 hour maximum or superseding courses in which you earned a C, D, or F.). If your advisor is not available, please contact the Student Success Center ( or 660.562.1695).

I was notified that I am on academic suspension for two semesters. Why was I placed on academic suspension?

  • You started the term on Academic Probation and were required to earn at least a 2.0 for the term to continue on academic probation. You did not earn a minimum 2.0 for the term, so you were placed on Academic Suspension for two semesters. OR

  • You started the term on Academic Probation after being suspended for two semesters and were required to earn at least a 2.0 for the term to continue on academic probation. You did not earn a minimum 2.0 for the term, so you were placed on Academic Suspension for three semesters.

What does Academic Suspension for two semesters mean?

  • It means you cannot be enrolled at Northwest for the next two semesters. Example: If you are suspended at the end of fall, you must sit out spring and summer and can apply to be re-admitted next fall.

What does Academic Suspension for three semesters mean?

  • It means you cannot be enrolled at Northwest for the next three semesters. Example: If you are suspended at the end of fall, you must sit out spring, summer, and fall and can apply to be re-admitted the following spring.

I was notified that I academically dismissed. What does this mean?

  • It means you are no longer eligible to continue enrollment at Northwest. You have been academically dismissed.

How can I get back into Northwest?

  • If academic performance for the semester was impacted by extenuating circumstances (illness, death in the family, etc.), you have the option to petition the Committee on Academic Petitions for a late course drop, late withdraw, or early re-admission following suspension.

How do I petition the Committee on Academic Petitions?

  • Contact your advisor to discuss the possibility for petitioning as a result of extenuating circumstances.

  • You must submit the appropriate petition form (General Petition or Late Course Drop) to the Registrar's Office (

    Petition Forms

  • The form requires signatures (or an email sent to the Registrar's office) from the instructor, advisor and/or Director/Department Chair as indicated on the form.

When will the Committee on Academic Petitions meet, and when does my completed petition need to be submitted?

  • The committee typically meets the week before the start of the new semester. Please plan to submit your petition by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 5, for consideration.

How soon will I know the decision?

  • You are welcome to call the Registrar's Office before 5 p.m. on the day of the committee meeting to learn the decision.

  • The Registrar sends a notification letter to your Northwest email account following the committee meeting.

What can I do if my petition is denied?

  • An appeal process is in place to hear new information that was not available to the first committee.

    Academic Appeals Form

  • Your advisor should be consulted for guidance in developing this petition.

  • The form must be submitted to the Registrar's office complete with appropriate signatures or emails from appropriate parties.

When will the Appeals Petition be heard?

  • Once the complete petition is in the Registrar’s office, a committee meeting is called and a meeting time coordinated to allow the student to visit with the committee either in person or via conference call.

When am I notified of the decision of the Appeals Committee?

  • At the end of the committee meeting, you will be informed of the decision verbally by the committee.

What if I can't reach my advisor or the Director/Department Chair by phone or email?

  • Faculty are often in Department/College/University meetings the week prior to the beginning of the semester. Email is the best way to communicate with them regarding your situation.

  • You may also contact the Student Success Center (660.562.1695) for general information regarding this process.