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Personal Devices

Personal Devices

Northwest wants to give campus technology users an on-campus experience that accommodates academic, professional and network entertainment activities such as the use of gaming consoles. Registration of gaming consoles is not required and ports do not usually need to be asked to be opened for typical entertainment or learning activities.  However, some restrictions may apply due to security concerns or other network issues.

What do I need to know about bringing personal devices to campus?

Personal Computers
  • Personally purchased desktops, laptops, tablets and e-readers are allowed on both the wired and wireless Northwest networks.
  • Must have an operating system (OS) that is compatible with Northwest's wired and wireless networks.
    • Recommended OS:
      • Microsoft Windows
    • Others that work on the Northwest network:
      • Apple iOS
      • Linux
  • Must be wireless and/or wired ready.
  • Must have current antivirus and operating system updates or you will be in violation of Northwest Technology Policies.
    • Safeguards your personal identity and important data.
    • Safeguards the data and personal identities of other campus network users.
    • Safeguards the stability of the campus wired and wireless networks.
    • Safeguards campus online resources.

By using the Northwest wired or wireless network (even with a personal computer), you are agreeing to abide by Northwest Technology Policies.

Smart Phone
  • Personal smartphones are allowed on Northwest's Secure, Personal and Guest wireless networks.
    • For those with Northwest Network Account login credentials, you are encouraged to use the secure wireless network at all times.
  • You can easily set up your Northwest Email to work successfully on your smartphone with the Outlook app.
  • By using the Northwest Secure, Personal and Guest networks, you are agreeing to abide by Northwest Technology Policies.
  • Gaming systems are allowed only on Northwest's wired network.
    • Examples of gaming systems:  Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo
  • The Northwest wired network provides the best experience for both speed and connectivity.
  • You can get onto Northwest's wired network with an Ethernet cable via an Ethernet port.
    • Ethernet ports are located in every residence hall room and faculty/staff office.
    • Ethernet ports are located in most academic and public buildings such as the Station, Student Union and B.D. Owens Library.
    • Ethernet cables are not provided by Northwest for personal devices.
  • You are not required to register your gaming system to be able to successfully use Northwest's wired network, but some restrictions may apply if there are security issues.
  • Smart entertainment devices like TVs, Google TV, Apple TV, Roku, Alexa and Chromecast are allowed.
  • For best connectivity, it is recommended that you use these types of devices/services on the Northwest wired network.
  • If you need a wireless connection, you may use NWMSU_Secure or NWMSU_Personal.
    • NWSMU_Secure uses your Northwest Network Account credentials.
    • You will need a personal password to successfully connect to NWMSU_Personal.
Wired Printer
  • Personal printers are allowed but not necessary at Northwest.
    • The vast majority of assignments and exams are submitted electronically and thus, are paperless.
  • University networked printers are available most everywhere on campus such as the front desk of each residence hall and in public spaces like B.D. Owens Library and the Station.
      • Printing to a University networked printer does not require payment at time of printing.  In short, there are no up-front costs associated with printing.
      • Users who print to a campus networked printer are auto-billed by their login credentials for the size of their print job.
        • Black and white printing is 10 cents per page.
        • You will typically see your specific printing charges appear on your University bill the next business day.
  • Personal printers are allowed only on the Northwest wired network.
No Wireless Personal Printers
  • Wireless must be disabled and your printer should be connected directly via its printer cables or you will be in violation of Northwest Technology Policies.
    • You will be in violation of Northwest Technology Policies if you are using your personal printer on Northwest Wi-Fi.
Wired Switch or Hub
  • Wired switches and hubs are allowed on the wired Northwest network.
No Personal Wireless Routers
  • Routers that are not owned and operated by Northwest are not allowed to connect to either the wired or wireless Northwest networks.
Video Cams
  • Webcams are allowed on the Northwest wired and wireless networks.
  • Video conferencing messaging applications are allowed on the campus wired and wireless networks.
No NTSC Repair
  • The Northwest Technology Service Center (NTSC) does not maintain, repair or provide software or software licenses for personally purchased, non-University-provided computing equipment or other communication and entertainment devices.
Northwest Technology Service Center
  • The Northwest Technology Service Center (NTSC) is responsible for maintaining a stable wireless and wired network in all campus buildings (where warranted) and in all residence halls.
  • The NTSC is also responsible for the following in campus buildings where warranted and in all residence halls:
    • Ethernet ports that connect successfully to the Northwest wired network.
    • A working telephone land line connection (just the outlet in residence halls, not the service).
  • The NTSC will assist with helping you to successfully do the following with your personally-owned computing and communication devices if you have active Northwest Network Account login credentials:
      • Connect to Northwest Wi-Fi
      • Connect to the Northwest wired network
      • Print to a networked printer
      • Set up Northwest Email on smartphone
NTSC Not Responsible

Northwest is not responsible or liable for the loss or damage to personally-owned devices brought to campus and does not provide insurance for such devices.  If you are interested in obtaining insurance, the NTSC has (as a courtesy) provided a list of known and legitimate vendors who have previously provided Northwest students with personal equipment protection.  See more information on these vendors* on the Northwest Laptops web page.

*Northwest  is not affiliated with insurance vendors and does not endorse any insurance vendor or plan.

Northwest WiFi FAQ

Gaming Console FAQ

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Tech Help Hours

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