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Missouri Quality Award

Northwest awards recognizing achievement in quality

The Missouri Quality Award is one of the strongest state-level quality award programs in the nation and is the official state recognition for excellence in quality leadership. Northwest Missouri State University is the first education institution in the state to win the award four consecutive times, 1997, 2001, 2005 and 2008.

The Missouri Quality Award program offers a thorough and objective educational process through which an organization can learn and apply quality implementation techniques and assessment methods.

Organizations participating in the award process join others dedicated to promoting quality as a mandatory element to enhancing customer satisfaction and operational performance. Recipients of the award are regarded as role models for successful quality strategies. Through their willingness to help others, Missouri Quality Award recipients have encouraged other organizations to their own quality improvement efforts.

The achievement of winning the state award recognizes the Northwest leadership, faculty and staff for their deep sense of commitment to students and stakeholders. This commitment is reflected in Northwest's core values:

The Northwest Family is proud to again be named recipient of the Missouri Quality Award. The Award helps demonstrate that Northwest's quality journey is indeed effective. It is this commitment to quality that enables Northwest to provide an outstanding college experience to its students. Northwest Missouri State University will continue to strive for improved performance excellence to exceed the expectation of future students and stakeholders.

Learn more about the Missouri Quality Award program.