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51 - ACCT - Accounting
03 - AGRI - Agriculture
71 - ARSC - College of Arts and Sciences
13 - ART - Art
24 - CHEM - Chemistry
29 - COM - Speech/Communications
44 - CSIS - Computer Science/Information Systems
52 - ECON - Economics
61 - EDUC - Education (general)
63 - ELED - Elementary Education/Early Childhood
10 - ENGL - English
53 - FIN - Finance
71-77 - FRSM - University Seminar
32 - GEOG - Geography
27 - GEOL - Geology/Earth Science
33 - HIST - History
15 - HES - Human Environmental Sciences
22 - HPER - Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
26 - HUM - Humanities
80 - INST - International Study
14 - LANG - Foreign/Modern Language
17 - MATH - Math and Statistics
20 - MCOM - Mass Communication
54 - MGMT - Management
65 - MJSE - Middle School and Secondary Education
55 - MKTG - Marketing
19 - MUS - Music
40 - PHSC - Physical Science
25 - PHYS - Physics
34 - POLS - Government/Political Science
08 - PSYC - Psychology
66 - RDSP - Reading and Special Education
45 - REC - Recreation
28 - SCED - Science Education
68 - SCGD - School Guidance/School Counseling
35 - SOC - Sociology
36 - SOSC - Social Science
43 - THEA - Theatre
02 - VOED - Vocational Education