A-Z Index

New Teacher Induction and Mentoring

Beginning Teacher Assistance Program

This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System.

This opportunity provides:

  • networking with other new teachers and educational consultants
  • just-in-time learning (critical firsts)
  • awareness of the phases of a new teacher
  • relationship building skills
  • on-demand learning, including videos by Mike Rutherford

MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements.

In-district support provided by NWRPDC staff, further supports a teacher’s first year at a deeper, more individualized level. Please contact RPDC office for information.

Location Sessions


Day 1: August 8, 2024


Day 1: August 6, 2024

St. Joseph

Day 1: August 9, 2024


Day 1: July 22, 2024

First-Year Teacher Induction - New to Missouri

This BTAP program is specifically designed for teachers who have moved to Missouri with prior teaching experience from another state but are required to attend a "new" teacher training in order to meet BTAP requirements for certification in Missouri. This program will support you as a teacher new to Missouri but not new to teaching! In addition, this program will provide initial certification requirements required by Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education while honoring the years of teaching experiences of attendees.

Day 1: August 5, 2024

Day 1: July 30, 2024

MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements.

Second-Year Teacher Induction

This program offers continued support for early career teachers.

BTAP Year 2 is a four-day program designed to support teachers in applying The Artisan Teacher themes and high-yield instructional strategies in lesson design. Participants will receive a copy of Mike Rutherford's book, The Artisan Teacher.

 MTDS: Purposeful Lesson Planning is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has completed a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program in Missouri.

This opportunity provides:

  • access to on-demand learning, including Mike Rutherford's MTDS series
  • consultant support
  • networking with other teachers
  • competency-based programming

In-district support provided by NWRPDC staff, further supports a teacher’s second year at a deeper, more individualized level. Please contact RPDC office for information.

Location Sessions

Maryville/St Joseph

Day 1: August 2, 2024


Day 1: July 31 2024


Day 1: August 7, 2024