(left to right): Patricia Hughes, Kyle Lindenmeyer, Emma Clark, Chris Bowser, Denise Dibben, Dustin Powell, Kelsey Knowlton, and Erick Klix
#TeamVerge selected its name to represent being on the cutting edge of marketing for our client. The hashtag in front of the name is a representation of the increasing use of social media and technology. As it a team, building brand loyalty and generating interest are of high importance, hence “team” becoming a part of the name. #TeamVerge is constantly looking forward for the next big thing for our client. Our team name and the dynamic we have created represent that very quality.
Project Manager Denise Dibben works to organize, manage and oversee the team’s work, schedules, expenses, etc. The project manager works closely with all team members to help guide their work and ensure a cohesive campaign for our client.
Research Manager Kelsey Knowlton works closely to develop and execute primary research as well as to identify, analyze and summarize secondary research in order to form a basis for the team’s strategy, ultimately working to aid the client to the best of our ability.
Media Manager Chris Bowser develops media strategies to meet and exceed the client’s media plan. The media manager also creates projected budgets and flowcharts of spending towards advertising expenses.
Art Director Dustin Powell ensures that all artwork is consistent throughout the campaign. This includes putting together the layout of the plan book and other assets.
Graphic Designer Kyle Lindenmeyer creates our unity. By developing a logo for the client, he creates an identity for the business. He also creates specific artistic elements for the campaign and plan book to give them a consistent look.
Interactive/Digital Manager Erick Klix oversees the digital aspects of the team. He keeps up with new technologies and determines for how long they could be used in the advertisement industry and throughout the length of the campaign.
Emma Clark, Public Relations Manager: It is of utmost importance to the personal relations manager to utilize a personal relationship with the client and the team. It is also the personal relations manager’s position to work closely with the media manager the content of posts match the target market.
Patricia Hughes, Copywriter: It is the responsibility of copywriter to ensure all written work is cohesive and concise. The copywriter also checks any and all research and claims made throughout the campaign for accuracy.