A-Z Index


Northwest is committed to providing excellent resources in technology for students. While their are many computers all over campus, including dorm rooms, the Teacher Education Program is pleased to have their own resource lab close at hand. The Brown Hall Computer Lab, located behind the Horace Mann Library, serves several functions. Horace Mann K-6 students and Teacher Education Students share the lab, providing a unique environment. Occasionally classes are held in the lab, but it is primarily open for student use from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Fridays. Computers in the lab not only have standard software programs, but also popular educational software. Teacher Education Students are encouraged to use this software to improve their own skills before entering student teaching and as a teaching resource for practicum courses. In addition to computers, the lab also has digital cameras, scanners, computer microphones and other equipment. Professional staff and student workers are available on a regular basis for support.