A-Z Index

Grace Stephens

Career Services Coordinator
Joined Northwest in August 2022


Professional Experience

My favorite part about being a Bearcat is...

The community I get from going to school here. There are so many people that have opened up to me in conversation because we have Northwest Missouri State University in common in some way.

Advice for Students

Get as many experiences in during college as you can, this time won’t last forever!

The more you learn about yourself, the easier it will be to figure out a path after college that works for you.

Start building a master document of all your clubs, activities, jobs, and internships now so when you make your resume later it isn’t as intimidating.

Hobbies and Interests

StrengthsFinder Signature Themes

Empathy: People exceptionally talented in the Empathy theme can sense other people’s feeling by imagining themselves in others’ lives or situations.

Connectedness: People with dominant Relationship Building themes like Connectedness build strong relationships that hold a team together and make it greater than the sum of its parts.

Relator: People who have the Relator StrengthsFinder theme enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.

Learner: People who are strong in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.

Harmony: People with the strength of Harmony look for areas of agreement, and are particularly aware of conflict and dissonance. They can see how people can come together or find agreement even when, especially when, they are in conflict.

Learn more about Grace

Learn more about Grace on her Behind the Bearcat episode:



See all the links to the audio version of the podcast on the podcast website