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I have known about Northwest since the fourth grade, and when it was time to think about which university to select, I just naturally thought about Northwest and decided to come here. I knew that Maryville was a very safe and serene place to live, study and students got positive results in finding a job after graduation, whether it was in Korea or in the U.S.
Jeong Min Yi
Psychology, South Korea
One of the reasons I transferred to Northwest was because I wanted to study in a much warmer place. I have met many nice people, and I really like it here. What I really like is that Northwest has many organizations and events to join and get involved. Those are good chances to make friends and learn different cultures. Northwest offers many good opportunities for international students. Transferring to Northwest was a good decision.
Saki Ikiyama
Accounting, Japan
I enjoy studying at Northwest Missouri State University because the faculty challenges me to learn by providing me with an interesting and engaging learning environment. I also enjoy attending Northwest because the campus is very friendly and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in student organizations. I believe I will be successful in my professional career because of this preparation. Also, I have made many friends here and I recommend Northwest to anyone thinking about studying in the USA.
Jun-Yue Cheng
Computer Science, China
With only two semesters left before graduation, I know that I will leave with a lot of good memories of staff members and friends. I will always remember my advisors because they have done a great job. Their advice has always been sincere and friendly. I have never felt that they do this because they have to, but because they want to. Northwest is not very big, but for me and for other international students, this means academic success. Why? Professors are willing to help you individually when you have problems understanding class material. Finally, Northwest has been one of my 'tools' to achieve my goals, and it has made some of my dreams come true. I will leave Northwest with a degree in Interactive Digital Media/Computer Science, a major I love and enjoy very much. I could not have found this major anywhere else. My second dream come true, also with help from Northwest, is that I had the opportunity to visit, study and work in South Africa for six months in the university's Study Abroad program, an experience that will be in my heart for a lifetime.
Nadin Novoa
Interactive Digital Media/Computer Science, Ecuador
Northwest has given me so many opportunities to take my academic experience to new heights. With resources such as the Talent Development Center, Supplemental Instruction study sessions, a good student-to-professor ratio that makes professors readily available to assist whenever the need arises, and an adequately-equipped library, to mention a few, Northwest makes it possible for students to reach their fullest academic potential. Beyond academics, campus life at Northwest, through various social and departmental organizations, provides a medium to not only interact with people from different multicultural backgrounds, but also to form and establish lifelong relationships.
Affiong Eyo
Psychology, Nigeria
I feel that Northwest has developed my knowledge in business and managerial skills that I need for entering the corporate world. The professors implement open-door policy which is very helpful for me. Northwest provides easy access to the Internet all over the campus so I can get up-to-date information. People in Maryville are very friendly to international students. Thus, I have a lot of opportunities to learn about American culture and especially improve my English skill. A master's degree and knowledge from Northwest will definitely help me to get a job in either the United States or Indonesia.
Andhyka Soemarsono
MBA, Indonesia