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Northwest to participate in nationwide recycling competition Jan. 28 to March 23

Jan. 18, 2024 | By Georgia McGonigle, communication assistant

Northwest Missouri State University is once again participating in the annual Campus Race to Zero Waste competition to encourage students, faculty and staff to practice recycling and waste reduction habits on campus.

For more information about Campus Race to Zero Waste, visit

For more information about Campus Race to Zero Waste, visit

The eight-week competition, which starts Sunday, Jan. 28, requires participating colleges and universities to report the amount of waste and recycling they collect each week. Participating institutions are then ranked in various categories based on the amount they recycle per capita as well as recycling rates. The competition categories include food organics, electronics recycling and percent of waste diverted from the landfill.

As part of the Campus Race to Zero Waste, students in Northwest’s residence halls and apartment complexes will compete in a challenge to determine which building can recycle the most pounds of material during the eight-week competition. Residents also can earn points for their buildings by participating in recycling education events and developing strategies to increase recycling. Residents of the winning building will be treated to assorted donuts, a hot chocolate and coffee bar and a plaque to be displayed during the next year.

The residence hall challenge, which is new to Northwest this year, aims to increase sustainability practices among students and educate the University community about the importance of reducing waste.

“Northwest has a well-established recycling program, but we are striving for continuous improvement through education and awareness programs such as the Campus Race to Zero Waste,” Tim Hill, the University’s sustainability coordinator, said. “If every person on campus recycles every day, we can make Northwest even greener and elevate our rankings in the recycling competition.”

Campus Race to Zero Waste, hosted by the National Wildlife Federation, provides an opportunity for universities throughout the nation to participate in friendly competition with other colleges and universities for the common goal of reducing waste through recycling and food waste composting.

Northwest has participated in the competition annually since 2005. To learn more about the competition and how to contribute, contact Hill at


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Room 215