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News Release

Dec. 11, 2019

Moore travels to D.C. for National Student Leadership Forum

By Grace Niemeyer, communication assistant

A Northwest Missouri State University student traveled to Washington, D.C., this fall for the National Student Leadership Forum hosted by members of the United States Congress and government leaders.

Taylor Moore, a senior political science and public administration major from Lenexa, Kansas, traveled in October to Washington, D.C., to participate in the forum, which annually invites young people with diverse backgrounds to put aside differences and learn how to become better leaders.

Young adults from throughout the world attended the forum, which focuses on faith and values. Participants discussed various leaders and the impacts of their service throughout history.  

“We’d meet with small groups and you’d tell your story to them,” Moore said. “It’s a way to be vulnerable and hear other people’s perspectives on life and get their perspectives on your own life and really connect with people that you’ve never met before.”

Moore said highlights of the forum included hearing from congressmen on the House floor as well as business leaders such as Tamika Tremaglio, managing partner at Deloitte, and David Austin, director of the United Nations’ World Food Programe.

“I learned a lot about how to listen to other people’s stories and how to really get to know people that I’ve never met before,” Moore said. “They kept saying, ‘It’s not a networking event, it’s not a political event. We’re just here to learn about each other and learn how to serve.’

“There were some great speakers that I heard from, but something that kind of stuck with me is we all have an external mask that we put on, and it’s not really our true self. We try to be someone that we’re not, and so when you’re a leader, you have to be authentic and your real self and really let others see that.”

Other highlights of the gathering included an evening monument walk, a viewing of Thomas Jefferson’s private collection at the Library of Congress, lunch at Union Station, and visits to the U.S. Capitol Building and the Supreme Court.

Northwest Student Senate sponsored Moore’s trip. She serves as the vice chair of Student Senate’s Student Affairs Committee as well as president of the Pre-Law Society, president of Young Americans for Liberty and vice president of Mock Trial.

Attendees are nominated or invited by a facilitator of the forum. Moore was invited to the national forum after attending the Missouri Student Leadership Forum last January.

Moore hopes to be invited to the National Prayer Breakfast in February, which hosts about 3,500 world leaders, including the U.S. president.

After completing her bachelor’s degree at Northwest, Moore plans to attend law school and seek a public office.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215