A-Z Index

Student Employment

On-Campus Employment

We have a limited number of graduate assistantships (GAs). GA positions include a tuition waiver and a monthly stipend. We also have some hourly employee positions that are available to both graduate and undergraduates. Hourly employee positions do not include a tuition waiver, but they provide you with some income and experience working in the field. However, we cannot guarantee any employment, which is why we require financial information and proof of your ability to cover your own expenses before we consider your application.

If you are an international student, please be aware that it is very hard for international students to find employment prior to arriving at Northwest. If you do well during your first semester on campus, then it may be possible to find an assistantship for the second semester. You are eligible to apply for all student work positions on campus beginning in your first semester.

All full-time graduate students are eligible for a 100%, 75% or 50% tuition fee waiver after their first semester of study at Northwest, provided they get a Graduate Assistantship. See Financial Assistance page for details.

On-Campus Jobs

Internship and CPT (Curricular Practical Training)

Students in the MS-IS program are encouraged to seek internships. An internship will provide you with an opportunity to see how the concepts and skills learned in the classroom translate to real projects in industry.

It is the student's responsibility to make the appropriate contacts to obtain an internship. An internship may be either on campus or off campus. A student may or may not be paid for internship work. Students may or may not earn academic credit for an internship.


The School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Northwest Missouri State University participates in the CPT (curricular practical training) program for international students. Note some restrictions on CPT:

  • All requests for CPT must be presented to the program coordinator for approval. Approval will depend on the nature of the internship and the timing of classes.
  • CPT requires that a student be enrolled full time for one academic year (two semesters) before becoming eligible for CPT. This means that students enrolling for the first time in the fall are eligible for CPT the following summer. However, students enrolling for the first time in the spring are not eligible for CPT until they have completed an additional semester of study.
  • CPT guidelines require that you enroll in an internship course. MS-IS students will enroll in a one-credit-hour section of 44-699 Graduate Internship in Information Technology

The following documents provide more details regarding CPT and internship policies and procedures:

Help for Job Interviews

M.S. Information Systems students all take a 3-hour course Professionalism in the Information Systems Environment. In this class, students create resumes, participate in mock interviews, learn about job interviews, discuss ethical issues, and practice good business communication skills. When students have completed this class, they have a solid resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letter(s), and knowledge about the job search process.

M.S. Information Systems students are also encouraged to participate in Career Services events including Career Day, Mock Interview, and other sessions.