A-Z Index

Pagoda Dogwood

Pagoda Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia)

GIS Coordinate:
N40 21.004 W94 53.255

Trail Number:

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Leaves, Alternate, crowded near ends of twigs, appear whorled, simple, elliptic-ovate, 2 to 5" long, 1 to 21 /2" wide

Native Locale:
New Brunswick to Minnesota south to Georgia and Alabama

Mature Height:
15 to 25 feet

Mature Width:
15 to 30 feet

Hardiness Zones:
Zone 3 to 7

Soil Preference:
Requires moist, acid, well-drained soils; keeping root zone moist, acid, and cool is key to success

Growth Habit:
Spreading, horizontal, low-branching tree or large shrub with broad, horizontal branches forming stratified tiers

Rate of Growth:
Slow initially, Medium when it becomes established

Disease and Insect:
Leaf spot, twig blight or canker

Landscape Value:

Additional Notes: