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Dr. Chase O'Gwin

Dr. Chase O'Gwin



2440 Colden



Joined Northwest in 2017

Associate Professor

Assistant Director


  • Ph.D. Consciousness and Society; University of West Georgia
  • M.A. Psychology; University of West Georgia
  • B.S. Psychology; Brigham Young University

Courses Taught

  • General Psychology
  • Honors General Psychology
  • Theories of Psychology
  • Psychology and Film

Academic Interests

  • The Psychology of Horror
  • Lacanian Psychoanalysis
  • Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
  • Theories of Subjectivity
  • Parapsychology
    • Emphasis in Exceptional Experiences (ExE) surrounding Hauntings and Apparitions

Scholarly Publications

  • Morris, B., O’Gwin, C., Gerhardt-Grant, S. & MacDonald, S. (2020).  Being just: A critical psychological approach to subjectivity in the era of social justice, Philadelphia: Routledge Press.
  • Simmonds-Moore C., Rice D., O’Gwin C. (2019) My brain is cool: A thematic analysis of exceptional experiences among skeptics. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. 83(4), 193-211
  • O'Gwin, C. K., & Malone, K. R. (2018). Ineffable and Weird Fiction. Free Associations, 72, 47-64. doi:
  • Simmonds-Moore, C., Rice, D. L., O’Gwin, C., & Hopkins, R. (2017). Exceptional Experiences Following Exposure to a Sham “God Helmet”: Evidence for Placebo, Individual Difference, and Time of Day Influences. Imagination, Cognition and Personality.

Selected Scholarly Presentations

  • O’Gwin, C. (2019, Oct.) Daedalic Horror and Uncanny Subjectivity, Panel Presentation (Chair) at Lacan’s Ecrits Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
  • O’Gwin, C. & Morris, B (2019, May) When you say one thing and mean your monstrous m(O)ther’s jouissance”: Anxiety, sexuation and the modern horror film, Paper presentation at Lack iii, Worcester, MA.
  • O’Gwin, C. & Roberts, J. (2016, Mar) Psychology, Pedagogy, & the Ethical Subject. Paper presented at the APA Division 24 Midwinter Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
  • O’Gwin, C. (2016, Apr) Horror-Struck: An Exploration in Horror Psychology. Invited presenter at 2016 Duquesne/University of West Georgia Human Science Symposium, Carrollton, GA
  • O’Gwin, C. (2017, Mar) A Subject Two Ways: An Encounter of Rychlakian and Lacanian Subjects. Symposium Presentation at the APA Division 24 Midwinter Meeting, Richmond, VA.
  • O’Gwin, C.(2018, Mar) Called Out by Horror: The Presenting of Other-Oriented Epistemologies From Experiences with a Peculiar Genre. Paper presented at APA Division 24 Midwinter Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
  • O’Gwin, C.(2019, Mar) “I’m just not Woke enough”: The Arising of New Symptoms in a Social Justice Age. Panel Presentation at APA Division 24 Midwinter Meeting, Nashville, TN.
  • Simmonds-Moore, C.S. & O’Gwin, C.(2018). Exploring the correlates and nature of subjective apparitional experiences. Research brief paper presented at the 2018 Parapsychology Association Annual Convention, Institute for Noetic Sciences, August 2018.
  • Simmonds-Moore, C.S., O’Gwin, C & Rice, D. (2018). A qualitative exploration of skeptics’ experiences of the exceptional. Paper presented at the 2018 Parapsychology Association Annual Convention, Institute for Noetic Sciences, August 2018.
  • Simmonds-Moore, C.S. & O’Gwin, C. (2018). A survey exploring the correlates and nature of subjective apparitional experiences. Paper presented at the BPS Consciousness and Experiential Conference on Exceptional Experiences, September 8th, 2018.

Other Professional Experience

  • Invited guest presenter at the 2019 Rome International Film Festival on the psychology of horror films