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News Release

Oct. 16, 2019

Health Science and Wellness faculty publish workbook

By Grace Niemeyer, communication assistant

Faculty in Northwest Missouri State University’s School of Health Science and Wellness recently published a textbook, titled “Working Toward Wellness: A Practical Workbook.”

Dr. Tyler Tapps, assistant professor of health science and wellness, and Dr. Matt Symonds, associate professor of health science and wellness, are co-editors of the textbook, which is designed for high school and freshman-level college health and wellness courses.

The online textbook includes more than 40 activities related to emotional, physical and mental health as well as nutrition and faith-based wellness.

“In 2015, we met to discuss some of the rising wellness trends and issues that were occurring, and we wanted to work together on a workbook that was a little progressive and different than standardized books to this point,” Tapps said.

Northwest Health Science and Wellness faculty Dr. Jackie Kibler, Dr. Damon Leiss, Dr. Jodie Leiss and Dr. Rhonda Beemer also contributed chapters.

“It was truly a team effort and we are so fortunate at Northwest to have so many experts in multiple areas,” Tapps said. “Including Dr. Symonds and I, we utilized the expertise of 6-plus doctored faculty in the School of Health Science and Wellness who graciously authored chapters. I am constantly amazed at the wonderful work faculty are doing across our campus to make significant impacts on multiple wellness issues.”


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