A-Z Index

2011 Teams

2011 Knacktive Team


OnPoint was chosen because we wanted to have a name that showed our client that we would be directly on target in working toward their goals.  We felt this name would show the client that we would accomplish their goals quickly and within the client’s specifications.

Seniors and recent college graduates were our target audience for the project.  We chose them because the client wanted to focus on that audience and our research showed that they would be a viable audience in size and income.  We found that many people in our target audience would get Lasik eye surgery, the only think that was really holding them back was the cost of the procedure.


Synergy means to have various agents, organizations or substances work together to create or produce a greater effect than just one part could do alone.   We felt all the positions on our team were filled by extremely differing personalities and majors who could work together and fit the description of Synergy perfectly.

Our team's target audience was the age-group that relies on their technological devices on a daily basis.  The type of people who are constantly upgrading their cell-phone, pads, computers and any other electronically advanced device they own.  We chose this group due to the type of people in our own team. We all had an abnormally large amount of techno-devices just between Synergy members.

Up & Up

Up & Up was the result of a brainstorming session where we developed three names.  Then our creative personnel generated designs for each one.  What made this name stick out for our team was the thought that we were the ‘up and coming’ and everything we were doing was new. It also had a very good design concept.  A majority vote made the decision.

For the target audience we chose to think outside of the box. We knew that the other groups were going to target college students.  After the focus groups and other research efforts we knew thought were better markets to target.  Some of our group members suggested that we target occupations that involve extreme conditions for the eye based on our personal experiences, such as military and first responders.